Change is a necessary, but often scary thing. Even after you recognize the need to make a change, how do you get started? Four years ago, I decided that before dinner on weekdays I would be a vegetarian. I also wanted to try eating in a more seasonal manner. I needed to make some serious improvements to my diet and lessening… Read More

Even if you are rusty in the kitchen or you avoid it all together, this is a technique that can be easily mastered. Guys, make this for your special girl on Valentine’s Day. I mean this dish even comes in it’s own gift wrap. How perfect is that? This is one of my favorite cooking techniques, because it is so ridiculously… Read More

Now that you have a big stash of delicious dashi in your fridge. Lets put it to use. These are my favorite meatballs. How can I make such a bold statement? Well, these meatballs always bring up so many wonderful food memories. The smell of the delicious pork stock that would be bubbling away on the stove, while I helped my… Read More

Dashi stock is the simplest stock you will ever make. There is no cutting involved and barely any measuring. The 2-3 ingredients needed can be kept in your pantry almost indefinitely. This flavorful stock is the base for many Japanese dishes and chances are you have encountered it in the ubiquitous miso soup. Unfortunately, many restaurants and even Japanese households now… Read More